Insobot Quotes » chronaldragon json| csv| raw
ID ⏶ Quote Date Rating
0 Insofaras is probably correct. 2016-03-21
1 I am a responsible sysadmin. 2016-03-21
2 Insofaras, you're a beautiful person. 2016-03-21
3 I don't know what I just did. The mantra of a vim user... 2016-03-21
4 Eat a dick. 2016-03-21
5 Tokenizer, not cokenizer. I don't want a cokenizer, I might get arrested! 2016-03-22
6 Command_Func, make that a func, get func-y. 2016-03-22
7 U wot m8. 2016-03-22
8 Shut up thread demon, this is single threaded. 2017-02-18
9 This is basically preprocessor bullsh#t 2017-11-25
10 We're not going to think about gotos 2017-11-25
11 Why am I on the web? We have man pages! 2017-11-25
12 I guess I don't get any pie today. 2017-11-25