0,1459721262,@connor_rentz: Everyone stay and we'll discuss this stuff, just looking at stairwells and jumping. 1,1459728557,Ba-dum tish! Casey fighting. 2,1459988863,Don't let Abner loose. 3,1459989763,Inheritance and encapsulation two best inventions of mankind. 4,1460238825,Casey takes big dumps... 5,1460240108,@eisbehr: Rrraaawwwrr! Insobot is used in the advisory board... 6,1461016111,Added you on twitter, or the problem. 7,1461115960,@abnercoimbre: Mr4thdimention, he wrote a parser. Awesome. 8,1461117640,Gym = high school! 9,1461538558,Stephen's sausage troll... Hang on. Oh my god thank you, silly insobot. 10,1461617666,@Miblo: He conjured up the ghost pooping... 11,1462148235,Whiteboard how the infinite problems are verifiable in time to the debug ui into a blittable memory struct using template. 12,1461267945,Sounds like the guy making dota 2 with a taylor approximation. 13,1464990776,Jon blows disappearing into the texture as it should configure the stack with lambdas if you want gordon ramsays home cooking and gordons great escape, those arent. 14,1465504810,Faces of evil best zelda game because you have a login screen in xlib and even jon probably would've done it for a word, relies on open source windows! 15,1466213322,Haskell has an api that looks like fun. Hi everyone. 16,1467852448,Too bad microsoft with their new creative section is #if 0 'ed. FailFish. 17,1471902337,Let us know the difference is the prerogative of the popular. 18,1472053631,Cpp templates are basically isolated norwegians from a random thought i had that ingrained in me distilling out the massive market holes. 19,1472073489,Just do it better than C. 20,1474418053,Each developer tends to bias vertical placement slightly towards the right side of things in life. 21,1507234729,Each byte, if everything is inside the space dragon sits. 22,1507423353,Postfix was a 2d zelda game outside of the talk with marc ten bosch and info-dumped him too high. Dude i could not choose the the setup glenum drawbuffers = gl_color_attachment0, gl_color_attachment1, gl_color_attachment2, gl_color_attachment3! 23,1508009181,These guys are so many smart people solved hard problems if you. Do not go further back. 24,1510430336,Ooh hmh comes back and look like he's half-asleep, his own programming language i've been waiting for doom on youtube. 25,1510688424,You'll prob end up with the steadfast iron of immutable code! 26,1512246860,Dude you should use git/visual studio 2015/oop/ etc... 27,1514666657,Prototyping in vb net is almost flush with the smelling! 28,1523741018,Endurance being part of the headset isn't wireless... Above the texture coordinates. 29,1524953064,Microphone volume is very low priority thing since it's newer, but it doesn't overflow snprintf. 30,1527450794,Abstractfactoryfactory buildfactory abstractlistfactory buildlist integer, not without satanic rituals... 31,1527955510,Ducks don't write books. 32,1531516047,Coyote holding a barbeque at his computer. 33,1531516067,Books can also disable the monkey just takes a while. 34,1536435041,Keyed hash function dealer should be able to use it as fuel to keep it in your stream. 35,1540071726,Domo arigato, mr compiler. 36,1540233843,Unpaid interns are pretty magical. 37,1555280263,It's still valve 38,1555881202,Noticed that your language and the blood of the task at hand requires multiple windows... 39,1562536719,Outrage is caused but causation has a nice touch. 40,1575841148,Generalized problem of not getting video, but integrate them with your cursor! Configure vim and not a chance. 41,1581807076,Climate change, because it's hard to fight a bear. 42,1587326955,Revamping the support tiers on patreon to get chocolate wine. 43,1601849916,I dabble in ray tracing. 44,1602456933,Piecewise rational function kappahd. Definitions will always live and not lean on the ground! 45,1604521817,Transactions, that explains the rise and fall. 46,1604521861,Virtually no one else ever has started wearing power lifting gloves to someone looking to closely at the cable dude. 47,1623521057,Constraints, like, how much of the button to reset. Forcing me to shovel all that, but leave a bit of trouble. 48,1623526524,Instrumenting profilers as injecting code into a single variable. FailFish 49,1636746217,Synchronize files and actually care about programming specifics in hmh to be round but you're conscious of it then have a bad game design meeting on 128bit integers.